Lucius is a multidisciplinary queer artist from Germany. Coming from a games development background, concept art and character design are his bread and butter. Now he enjoys a wide variety of creative practices but prefers to always insert an aspect of surrealism and whimsy into his works. He intends his works to communicate stories visually with symbolism and metaphors. He continues to investigate different methods of making and has recently found joy in bookmaking, experimenting with the tactility and pacing of experiencing physical work. Lucius is passionate about works that take people on an emotional journey, leaving an impact. He is always curious to explore more ways of opening a dialogue with others and learning more along the way.

“Listless” is a multimedia project that portrays the struggles of people living with ADHD. As Lucius’ symptoms intensified under the pressures of university, he aims to externalise his burnout. “Listless” features experimental pacing, a variety of multimedia elements and stories that capture the overwhelming chaos of living with ADHD on a daily basis. Throughout the experience, a thread of dread is woven, dispersing into more and more lines of thought, getting distracted and showcasing repeating patterns of executive dysfunction, battling with tasks and losing track, quite literally feeling listless. The heavy use of metaphors communicates complex feelings and atmospheres, with a common theme of forget-me-not flowers for memory loss. Ultimately, the project seeks to dispel the misconception that ADHD is “just being lazy” and promote greater awareness of mental health.

“Sternsammler” is German for “Star Collector”, a concept design for an interactive journey where a celestial cow collects stars and brings them home.

Queer+ Asian+ Representation is a collection of experiences with queer representation in South-East and East Asian media based on interview research for Lucius’ dissertation on the topic.

Lucius is a queer German multi-disciplinary artist. He enjoys a variety of creative practices and enjoys inserting an aspect of surrealism and whimsy into his works. Listless explores how ADHD has affected him in a book that splays into a labyrinth of pages, playing with pacing and interactivity.

Group Works