For my finale piece, I have a designed a garment that is meant to act like a living organism or parasite trying to take over the host. The textile I used looks like an organism moving up the body and becoming a second skin. The pins facing inwards make it painful for the wearer to take it off, almost like they are removing their own skin. Originally I was looking at a gods design of human, but now I am looking at my design from the perspective of a god. Over the project I have changed my intention and tried to respond do a similar title. What makes a human human, and what makes a human a god? Originally I was only looking at life and birth and how to make something new it has to be created first. However half way through the project I experienced a big loss, which inspired me to look at death. As one thing dies, something else is created, the cycle of life. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred. So specifically I started looking at what happens after people have died, how do different cultures store the body and how body can be taken apart but then put back together. I stopped just looking at giving life, but also taking life away and turning it into something new.