The mill is an old redudant mill situated in Bromley-By-Bow. It was orginally used to make gin and wheat for the town. It has been disused for years. The area is surrounded by the local community, a lot of schools, restaurants. Due to the local community and schools around the area, it can provide entertainment and learning opportunities for the students. The proposal seeks to make people aware of how clothes are made and change where they go. This can be available to people of all ages, this will allow people to gather the knowledge required to change peoples’ minds. 

The idea of circular economy is to reuse our waste so less goes to landfill. A sustainable approach for companies to adapt to. The idea is to understand the connection and circulation between environment, human and businesses so it goes from linear to a closed loop. 

There has been a lot of waste from the fashion industry through this fad society we live in. We do not see this waste build up in landfill. We produce 13 million tonnes of textile waste. Majority of this waste can be reduced, reused or upcycled. Just under half of the people who are not aware of facilities that recycle textiles. 

This Future of the Fashion will make people aware of the process behind upcycling and they can create their own clothes. Also, using clothes second hand which can be unpicked and put back together in another way. This has become a multi-functional building with an intellectual programme to educate people, bringing more visitors to the town. This can set a model for how future textiles factories can be created.

The Future of Fashion is here to improve the environment and reuse clothes in useful ways.