My final outcome is a basketball hoop designed to be placed in front of a bar with a barstool beneath. It encourages people waiting in a queue to be served to throw a ball into the hoop to win the prime place at the bar, and the honour of skipping the queue. I did a lot of research into the first come first served system, why we have it, and if its efficient, but when it came to designing ideas, I realised I didn’t want to create something that just enforces a queue. My project had a playful and energetic tone to it, and my outcome needed to reflect that, so I started looking into how a queue can encourage another way of determining who gets to go first.

    When you’re at the back of the queue, you accept that you must wait until everyone before you has been served before you can have your turn, but what if you got the chance to instantly jump to the front? This could be deemed fair, as in a pub nobody is necessarily guaranteed to be better at basketball than anyone else, it would just be up to chance and talent. This gives you the chance to earn your place the front of the queue in a playful, low stakes game.

    A basketball hoop designed to be placed in front of a bar with a barstool beneath. It encourages people waiting in a queue to be served to throw a ball into the hoop to win the prime place at the bar, and the honour of skipping the queue.