Hey, I’m Ben. As a designer, I am relentless in the pursuit of ideas and learn entire new skill-sets to make them succeed. I’d rather debate philosophy or your existential crises than small talk and I don’t listen to music when I exercise because I am a psychopath. I take a holistic view of design and combined with my observational criticism of society, I revel in playful and anarchic ideas and telling stories in order to comment on or solve real-world problems. I dream of design inspiring individuality and eradicating whatever normal is. Normal is my least favourite word.

[Identity Index]

Just do it. But if everyone is doing it, then maybe I don’t want to do it. 

Identity Index reclaims wearable graphic prints as a medium of identity and self-expression, resisting our bodies being used as free advertising space by brands.

This is achieved through tools of generative art that are receptive to how users answer 6 questions about their identity. This is rooted in ideas of Hegel and Nietzschean philosophy of self-cultivation and discovery. The garment designed on the website is printed on a silk square – freely styled by the user. Identity Index features two publications, a lookbook and a catalogue of 3750 possible generated designs with guides on how to decode the visual metaphors.a