ECHOES OF ROME: Weathered Beauty Revived



    I have delved into an exciting project that aims to protect and celebrate the remains of two historical sites, The Painted House and its adjacent bathhouse.

    Portus Dubris was once a bustling Roman Empire port connecting Rome and Britain. To pay homage to this historical significance, the project was aptly named “Echoes of Rome: Weathered Beauty Revived.” The goal was to revive the beauty of weathered materials and evoke the spirit of the Roman era.

    Inspired by the impact of weathering on architecture, the project embraced the positive effects of weathered materials. I created a visual path that guides visitors through the space, connecting them to the site’s cultural heritage. The aim was to incorporate an element of timelessness and forge a strong bond between visitors and the history of the site.

    The building is divided into a museum, education, and social zones, each maintained differently for distinctiveness. Weathered walls guide visitors through the building, enhancing their experience. The social space offers relaxation and immersion in the site’s atmosphere.

    By creating a harmonious relationship between the building and its surroundings I prioritize the spirit of the site. Visitors could connect with the cultural heritage through the social space, which provided scenic views of the ruins.

    Materials for the new museum were chosen for quality, longevity, and sustainability. Locally sourced Kentish ragstone, oak wood, and plaster were chosen to harmonize with the site’s context and withstand the local climate. These materials added to the building’s timelessness and connected it to the surrounding landscape.

    “Echoes of Rome: Weathered Beauty Revived” is a project that preserves history, celebrates the Roman heritage, and revives the weathered beauty of Portus Dubris. It integrates weathered materials, creates engaging spaces, embraces the site’s spirit, and ensures the building’s longevity.

    Despite efforts to resist,

    Nature leaves her lasting kiss.

    Sedimentation, a weathered mark,

    Adds character, leaves a spark.


    Instead of fighting what we can’t control,

    Embrace weathering, make it whole.

    Beauty can be found in whats worn,

    Let nature’s touch adorn.