Grace Talbot is a multidisciplinary moving image maker based in London. Their work spans Animation, Moving image, Performance and Art direction often combining multiple practices to create abstracted worlds. Interested in concepts around gender expression, performance and identity and our relationships to each of these things, using their own understand as a queer visual maker they aim to realise these experiences of their own expression in order to relate to a wider audience through playful visuals and humorous dialogue. Also heavily inspired by cinema they incorporate these elements to create abstract films from a hybrid of live action video and Animation. Through recent projects such as ‘We’re Not in Essex anymore’ (2023) and ‘Saturday service’ (2022) they have used paper cut out and set building to create these worlds.
Their grad film “We’re Not in Essex Anymore” is an animated 3 part series, following the classic story of the Wizard of Oz in order to highlight this experience of travelling from the Suburbs of London into the City. Exploring themes of female friendship, suburbia and escapism, the aim is to celebrate these relationships and experiences as well as romanticising the idea of “the city, as the emeralds city is in the Wizard of Oz.
Using paper cut out and 3D collage to animate stop motion backgrounds, this is ten combined with live action characters, the aim of this tecnique is to create an abstracted world based of the reality of dreasy suburban aestetic combined with livle cityscapes. The characters all based off of the characters in the wizard of Oz, the characters are designed through styling and language used in the scripting in ordr to mimic the 4 characetrs in this story, Dorothy, the scarcrow, the tin man and Lion.

Process work created whilst completing the their grad film.