The Oracle explores the world of tarot cards, visually exploring the emotions conjured through the tarot readings I participated in. The project shows six theatrical responses to the six cards dealt to me during the outcome of these readings. Focusing my photography on the impact tarot cards have on my life, I reflect upon my experiences with six emotive self-portraits. The viewer is taken on a visual journey, guided by strong symbolism reflecting the guidance I received from my tarot reader. The series is an introspective study into my deep routed fears and anxieties, offering the viewer a glimpse inside my mind.

My photography, combined with words from my tarot reader, Aphra, will give the viewer an insight into what this tarot reading entailed. Whilst making these images, I used elements of performance art to evoke the visceral impact of each reading. I allowed myself to channel my feelings and emotions from the tarot reading, embodying the reflections of each card, resulting in a cathartic way of releasing the energies conjured during this experience. This holistic approach aids the processing of my emotions, guiding my spiritual journey.

Growing up my mother has always surrounded me in spiritual practice, tarot cards being one form of divination we would use together to help us navigate our way through life. In a way, tarot cards are used as a form of self-help and guidance for us, truly a bonding experience for us both. I draw upon these subjective experiences and emotions within my work – reflecting the energies extracted during the reading and transferring and transforming this energy into art. I want the audience to have an insight into my own experience of tarot readings and how they can be used as a form of guidance to make sense of the chaos that is life.

The Oracle is a dramatic journey of self-expression through tarot reading. After extensive emotional reflection and embodiment of these emotions through performance art, I captured an introspective study into my deep-routed fears. These anxieties manifest as self-portraits with a personal narrative through stylized symbolism and iconography seen throughout the series.