This research explores the impact of secondary symbol systems on human thinking and their importance in daily life. It uses methods like imitation, penetration, and photocopying to understand their influence on our experiences. Material experiments simulate visual symbols, shedding light on their function in various contexts.The study also delves into how these symbol systems manipulate human thought and shape perceptions and decisions, potentially affecting behavior and values through common sense.From a personal perspective, this research is crucial. It emphasizes the role of secondary symbol systems in shaping thought processes and their potential to influence actions. Studying manipulation effects deepens our understanding of symbol systems and their impact on cognition and behavior, enhancing our awareness of their societal significance.

    “Truth” often holds dual meanings, prompting me to ponder the nature of truth itself. These reflections cemented my decision to use “truth” as my subject of experimentation, and it has also become the central theme and title of my work. By centering on “truth,” I can visually delve into the multiple layers of truth, accentuating the ambiguity and fluidity of information.