‘TANK’ is a solution to the problem of pets overheating due to lack of cool clean water in which on average in the UK, pets are left at home alone for up to 6 hours. Using terracotta for its water cooling properties, it will keep your pets water cool indefinitely with cool water being the number solution to keeping your pet cool in the summer. Terracotta also has alkaline properties which helps with digestion for your pet. The product itself isn’t light, especially when full of water, which prevents your pet from throwing it around. The water tray is made of stainless steel due to its easy to clean, anti-bacterial and durable properties and minimizes splashing due to its height and the depth the water is released. Water flow is self managed so once you fill it up you can leave on its own as it will give your pet a steady water supply until it runs out. All these features without the use of electricity to make it run, making it an energy efficient and environmentally friendly alternative to other water feeders for pets without sacrificing quality.

The ‘sun-bowl’ project was a research experiment into bio materials and the various ways in which natural waste in particular citrus fruit skins can be used as an alternative to plastic to be more environmentally conscious in the manufacturing processes and materials we use to produce dish/kitchen ware. I found blackened lime skins (sun dried) sourced from pubs to be the best choice. These skins if not used would have simply been thrown away in which over 15 million tons of limes are produced every year with the skins being wasted until now. Using this material, I went through the process of designing a piece of dishware to hold a common Spanish sunflower seed snack known as ‘pipas’ which my family eat to showcase the practicality and versatility of the material in production and use with the goal of alerting people to the potential that plastic alternatives have to make everyday manufacturing more sustainable.