[1] QUEER DESIRE LINES publishes, works-with and re-authours the text Toward the Queerest Insurrection by the Mary Nardini Gang.

3 large screen prints feature excerpts from the text, alongside other smaller
images and excerpts related to the theme of queer resistance. The prints represent a wider body of research that the project draws from, publishing other material with large quotes.

Pasting these posters works to publish the text in public, affirming and recontextualising the message of queer resistance. This approach aims to create a more holistic and intersectional understanding of queer resistance and explore how it can be seen in the everyday.

The project seeks to engage with others and allow a space to consider queer beyond just a personal identity and as a
way of being.

[2] A Material World publishes my dissertation text, exploring the assimilation of queer culture into the mainstream, specifically through the lens of female pop stars.

[3] Now That’s What I Call (2006-2011) celebrates British nostalgia and pop culture, looking at the importance of pop culture moments for young queer people in Britain.