An exploration of my cultural identity, expressed through the combination of German and Korean construction techniques.

    The Fachoji lamp is the result of investigation into Fachwerk, the German term used to describe half timber frame construction, and Changhoji, a mulberry paper technique used in lanterns, windows and doors of traditional Korean architecture. Both feature structural, yet decorative characteristics that signify an innate respect for craft in these countries.

    I have always felt a certain disconnect with my foreign identities. Growing up in predominately white British environments I learned to hide away differences, suppressing cultural longing in efforts of relatability and fitting in. However, from a young age the ornate construction features have been present in my subconscious, standing out in the visual landscape of family holidays abroad.

    The Fachoji lamp, now celebrates my ethnic diversities, creating a new visual identity through the union. Research into traditional methods of production and, experimentation of their characteristics strengthened my cultural connection, resulting in the creation of an emblematic representation of myself; The lamps exterior is presented as oriental, however unseen components of its being are revealed upon interaction.