Rest is undervalued in society. The prominence of burnout in our society’s narrative points to our lack of respect for our need to rest. We get drained and fall sick; we get anxious and lose spirit. We die to our humanity because of our egos, deluding ourselves into thinking we can do it all.

I’ve experienced burnout after burnout throughout my educational career and during the break before the final project, I came to realise that I wanted to live differently. I didn’t want to end my course with another burnout. This project allowed me to explore rest on an intimate level – wrestling with God and having spiritual breakthroughs have led me to outcomes I feel content with.

Film, ceramics and poetry were the three mediums I wanted to explore and incorporate into this project. From the start, I had no idea how I was going to do it. But, through determination, play, and trusting the process, what was once a blurry vision became a multi-disciplinary piece of work that conveys the value of rest with clarity.

I was a restless soul, and I went on a journey to find rest.