Sussex based artist Maddie Hennessy works across different media including ceramics, painting, textile art and digital animation to make bold, modern work.

Inspired by surrealist comedy and music she combines techniques to create expressive and vibrant pieces.

Common themes in her work are the human form, historical study, traditional crafts and the juxtaposition of the old and new, the serious and the absurd. Maddie is driven by a love of making and passion for her craft.

The energy, expression and movement that comes through in her work results partly from the challenges set by mentors along the way – including a teacher who would daub students’ work with black paint if they took too long making it. Such influences have been fundamental in developing her enthusiasm for instinctive mark making and detachment from perfectionism. She believes in the power of energetic creation and failing fast to “get to the good stuff.”

Maddie works across different media to create a variety of work. While her background is in illustration, she also specialises in ceramics, painting and textiles.