“The Box, the Mind and the DREAM” is a stop-motion animation that expresses anxiety and counteracts it. It can also be described as an interpretation of the dream of “being chased by something”. Our negativity is usually beyond our control, so it will come back again, but we can overcome it when we have emotional self-regulated.

[Who`s chasing us?]: I summed up it as our anxiety or trauma based on the research. I use shadows to represent our negative emotions and anxieties because they are the darkness and an inseparable part of us.

[Character – Box head]: Objectifying our brains and emotions. Our brains are like a box containing emotions, memories or traumas accumulated from childhood to adulthood.

[The mental state of the character]: In the film I use the plant to express the transformation of the character’s emotions, when it is in a negative state it can only run away, and once it has recovered itself, even if it has been chased again it starts to fight back.