Nick Lucas is an animator and artist from North London, specialising in the craft of mixed-media moving images, with a particular affiliation for using printmaking as a tool for animation. Nick’s work is fuelled by a passion for the more physical side of animating, using inks and printers combined with the opportunities which digital technologies can provide. 

Nick is interested in experimental themes and aims to create rich and complex environments which make his films an experiential and thought provoking experience for the viewer. 

His Graduate animated film ‘I PLAYED MY TROMBONE TODAY’ focuses on a Trombonists mind and reality as they start to merge, processing vision, emotion, memory and movement differently. Being a trombone player himself, Nick used his own experiences partly as influence for the film and acted a way to re-ignite his passion for the instrument. The film was made using purely printmaking methods and acted as way for Nick to further refine his printmaking and animating combined skills.