This project, ‘Streatham Ice Rink’ looks at the long lasting community that exists at the rink. Built in 1932, the centre has a rich history, famously known for its Bali Hai night club, vibrancy, community and overall amazing atmosphere. Following its renovation in 2011, when it was bought by Tesco, the ice rink suffered, loosing all of its sociable facilities. Including its diner, night club, performing stage and Milky-Way sweet store. The experience at Streatham ice and leisure centre today encapsulates that of a desolate and isolating one, where only a handful of people are ever skating. My project aims to knit together the past and present, through a series of my own photography and secondary images of the infamous silver blades ice rink.

Publications, photography and drawing were all vital in my research process, helping me to gain an understanding into the visual language and experience that belongs to Streatham Ice Rink today.