Under new skies is a responsible project about designing for our future selves. What we do now will determine the skies we live under in the future. By learning from and experimenting with objects and practical garments that are already above ground, we can limit the waste we carry forward with us. It is an archival project, examining and dissecting construction and practicality, picking apart pieces with a purpose and reimagining them in a fashion context. It is to see beauty in functionality and garments that get overlooked when they are no longer required for or capable of their original manufactured purpose.

Damaged wetsuits from Action Watersports, Kent. Unloved pac-away anoraks and PVC fishing waders sourced from family, friends and independent sellers/donors across London and the South of England. Deadstock ripstop and ribbing jersey from Raeburn, Hackney. Deadstock yarn and cotton lining from The Work and Play Scrapstore, Earlsfield.