This project showcases my journey of creating musical instruments from everyday items found in bins and on the streets. With a focus on repurposing discarded materials, I transformed them into playable instruments, each with its own distinct and captivating sound. By addressing the global issue of waste and rubbish, I promote the creative approach of upcycling before recycling. Starting with materials I picked up, my mission was to reimagine their potential and give them new life. Through this process, I aim to inspire others to see the value in what others consider trash and encourage them to explore their own creativity. I hope that when others see these instruments, they will think, “That’s cool! I could try making something like that too,” and be a little bit excited, and perhaps think twice before throwing something away. My goal is to encourage people to view music as a universal presence that goes beyond conventional instruments. I hope to inspire a perspective where music is seen as an integral part of our surroundings, waiting to be discovered. By embracing this mindset, we can appreciate the hidden melodies that exist in our daily lives and experience the beauty of harmony in everything around us.