My topic is “Relationships”, specifically “Family Relationships”. From the perspective of the next generation, based on my own experience, I want to reveal the harm and impact of some unhealthy family relationships on children, as well as their views on future family relationships under this influence. I hope to help people understand family relationships more fully. Family relationships not only have a beautiful side, but also a lot of contradictions and quarrels. What I want to show is the change of my mind in the process of facing the family relationship from perfect to imperfect and even tangled. This painful process has made me more mature. To a certain extent, I want to break the children’s fantasy of a perfect family relationship, look at the contradictions and conflicts in the family relationship more objectively, and get out of the harm caused by the family relationship with a stronger and more optimistic attitude. I also hope that the younger generation can think more about the meaning of marriage and family, and pay more attention to the mental health of their children.

    The outcome includes a handmade room, three clay figures and four flip books. This project used to show the changes in my emotions and mentality when I faced with the impact of negative family relationships.