The Instagrammable City  


    London has been designed in a monopolized way. A tale of 4 cities: The East is poor, the West is posh, the South is rough, and the North is intellectual. Dagenham is on the east edge of London, with heavy industrial plants and factories. But what if ‘To Instagram’ became a design agent, advertising and rebranding the deprived area for the community, celebrating the historical and iconic events of Dagenham? Boosting tourism and business that benefiting the local community through the Instagrammable lens.  

    The vision of this project is to craft a city that exudes an irresistible Instagrammable allure, drawing in the younger generation, a diverse population, and tourists alike. By employing ingenious design tactics, the project aims to stimulate the town’s economy and create spaces that are tailor-made for captivating Instagram photos. These Instagrammable spaces will shape the very fabric of the city, offering shareable, visually striking, and unforgettable photo opportunities that effectively showcase the stories, character, and local cultures of the town through the virtual realm.