Shown is a concertina map exploring how people interact and move in  museums and how people themselves are not to be ignored within these spaces. This map is meant to communicate that museums are spaces for people to come together to observe. I’ve learnt that museums are more than a presented collection curated in a formal space, they can be unconventional, they can exist in peoples homes, in small rooms, and in historic buildings. I wanted to find out how collections can be organised, looking at the difference between hoarding and collecting. I came to the initial conclusion that in order for something to be a “museum” the collection must be meticulously organised in a very specific way, however I later’ found that museums are about intent, they’re about inviting people to learn and that rigid organisation isn’t always necessary. Museums can be messy and chaotic, as well as chronological and neat. People go to museums to learn and interact with history. Museums act as a place of preservation. They’re spaces that need to be occupied by people.