A circle of seats that represent nomadic movement (rocking and rolling), as well as community. The three equal sections need to be pushed by three people, showing that the seats can only be used and transported when there is a group of people present.

    The seats are made of a variety of wood, using a natural material language that is common for historic nomadic groups. Wood is common and strong and has been used for centuries in Romani communities, for example, to build movable housing.

    It is a fairly simple design – 1 large circle and 1 small circle which join together to make a doughnut shape. However, it took quite a while to build, mostly due to its size.

    I think it’s purpose lies more in its celebratory nature of community and movement (nomadic principles), but it also holds practical usefulness as well.

    A circle of seats that represent nomadic movement (rocking and rolling), as well as community. The three equal sections need to be pushed by three people, showing that the seats can only be used and transported when there is a group of people present.