We need to be seen talking about how only a minority of the design workforce in the design industry are women. While most college art and design courses are filled with female students, there are still fewer female designers than men. Male leaders are also more recognised than female leaders. Women are often subject to stereotypes and gender biases in the workplace. Female designers are labelled as vulnerable, with no career prospects, and are considered less professional. “So, women are considered the weaker sex? Therefore, I want to make more people see the problems women face in the workplace through this project. I hope people will be more aware of how gender prejudices and stereotypes make women undervalued to achieve gender equality. But also let women not forget that being a woman is as easy as it usually seems for men.

For this project, I made a book divided into two parts: the first part recorded interviews with 20 women. The second part comes from the book’s mention of the issues and conversations women face in the design industry and industry