The book ‘How to Understand Xingshizhuyi/Chinese Formalism Guidance

    devoted to helping people(whoever senses it or never got a chance to feel it) evaluate it and understand it from different angles.

    Xingshizhuyi – a kind of special Formalism in China. It’s not about a genre of art or a study of mathematics. It was based on Russian Formalism but developed in China and made differences in other philosophical thought. At the beginning of its appearance, it might be politicized, however as time goes by, it also becomes life-oriented and disgusted.

    I’m discussing whether this ‘Xingshizhuyi’ is negative or positive through this book. And helps the reader understand how this thought of Xingshizhuyi influences us(Chinese or someone who has experience in China) to consider the ‘form’ in our life. The typography of the content is a ‘form’ in itself, and I prefer to present the ‘content’ here in a more straightforward way. Even though the interviewees in the book have different educational backgrounds and life experiences, they all have varying impressions of Xingshizhuyi. As in the society we live in, the negative impact of Xingshizhuyi on our lives is actively discussed, but sometimes it has to be admitted as part of the society we live in.